Patient Resources
So many of us are working from home these days
whether it’s for our job or school. That means you
can work while reclining on your couch or laying bed.
Sounds great, right? Your spine doesn’t think so!
Your spine is highly adaptable. For example, if
you’re frequently looking down at your
phone/laptop/etc., your spine will begin to
default to that position, causing your neck to
lose its natural curve (which can be painful).
This is why your posture while sitting is so
important! Follow the guidelines listed to see
how to set up your work space to keep your
spine happy and healthy!
90° Angle Rule
Legs: 90° angle and your feet should be able to touch the floor.
Back: 90° - 110° angle to your lap
Arms: 90° angle when resting on your work surface
Work Surface
Keyboards should be 1-2 inches above your thighs (if you can’t change the height of your keyboard, raise your chair and use a footrest).
Computer screens should be at least one arm’s length away from you with the top of the screen just below eye level.
The highest point of your seat should be just below your kneecap so your feet can rest on the floor
The chair should provide lumbar support for the curve of your lower back.
The seat should be deep enough so that you can use the backrest comfortably and the front doesn’t press against the back of your knees
Armrests should not prevent you from pulling your chair close to the desk
Armrests support your upper forearms and reduce the stress on your shoulders and back. Softer armrests minimize stress on your elbows.