Kettlebell Strength Training
Kettlebell training offers our clients an excellent strength training tool. In addition to the chiropractic care from Dr. Gibson, you can help prevent future injury and increase athletic performance from ensuring your body is strong. Kettlebell training can be used for athletes, as well as the general population, to build strength and stability.
Great question! While there are many avenues to strength training, kettlebells are excellent because the exercises are done in a way that carries over to every day activities. Kettlebell exercises use multiple muscle groups, as opposed to many gym machines that isolate only one muscle group. The unique center of gravity associated with kettlebells offers training that mimics activities of daily living and advantageous strength training mechanisms.
Cherie has advanced training in kettlebell use, along with years of experience in personal training. Interested in training with Cherie? Please contact us to set up an appointment!
Why kettlebells?
Functional Movement Screen
The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a tool used by many professionals to determine key movement indicators and help shed light on possible increased risk for injuries or reduced performance.
The test, performed in our clinic in under 20 minutes, consists of seven movement patterns which require stability and mobility. Patients receive a score based on their performance and the results help guide our clinicians in which treatments and strengthening exercises will be best.
The seven movements include:
• Deep Squat
• Hurdle Step
• In-line Lunge
• Active Straight-Leg Raise
• Trunk Stability Push-up
• Rotary Stability
• Shoulder Mobility
This research-based tool is a valuable tool for patients of all ages and abilities. It is not designed for diagnosis associated with pain, rather as a screening tool to help reduce the risk of injuries and discomfort in the future. When utilized along with strength training, such as our kettlebell training with Cherie, the FMS can help pinpoint specific areas of concern and offer personalized training plans.